Gabriele Munter Haus Murnau. Gabriele Munter's Murnau landscape picture which features the two Blue Rider group artists Alexej von Jawlensky and Marianne von Werefkin. (Murnau) is one of artworks by Gabriele Münter. Joined by Alexej von Jawlensky and Marianne Werefkin, Gabriele Münter and Wassily Kandinsky explored the old marketing town of Murnau The painting School House, Murnau, its measurements agreeing with those Münter identified, was one of the results of these radiant summer days.
Gabriele-Münter-Haus, Murnau Stockfoto, Bild: 144211935 ... (Esther Morgan)
What a joy it was to see that Gabriele Münter, especially, documented so much of life in this house through paintings, photographs and the written word. Haus von Gabriele Münter in Murnau am Staffelsee Creator: Heide Bauer. Gabriele Munter's Murnau landscape picture which features the two Blue Rider group artists Alexej von Jawlensky and Marianne von Werefkin. (Murnau) is one of artworks by Gabriele Münter.
Gabriele Münter fand zu expressiven Formen, ohne aber auf das Gegenständliche zu verzichten.
Ein Jahr später kaufte Münter hier ein Haus, wo sie mit Kandinsky lebte und oft ihre.
Gabriele Munter's Murnau landscape picture which features the two Blue Rider group artists Alexej von Jawlensky and Marianne von Werefkin. (Murnau) is one of artworks by Gabriele Münter. What a joy it was to see that Gabriele Münter, especially, documented so much of life in this house through paintings, photographs and the written word. Kandinsky and Münter's interest in folk art was my favourite element of this wonderful little book.